NGC 2736
The Pencil Nebula

Image copyright: Dale Liebenberg
This image of the Pencil Nebula in the constellation Vela was submitted by Dale Liebenberg. Dale specialises in narrowband imaging from his home observatory in Port Elizabeth, and led an astrophotography workshop at the 2012 ASSA symposium, as the South African Astronomical Observatory in Cape Town.
NGC 2736 Pencil Nebula in Vela
On 1 March 1835, John Herschel discovered this object at the Cape of Good Hope and described it as "eeF, L, vvmE; an extraordinary long narrow ray of excessively feeble light; position 19 ±. At least 20' long, extending much beyond the limits of the field...".
About 14x20min each (Ha to red, OIII to blue, SII to green)
Image scale 0.47 arsec/pixel
Image size +- 32x21 arcmin
Captured with MaximDL
Processed with PS CS4
Scope: Celestron EdgeHD 14"
Mount: ASA DDM60
Camera: FLI Microline 11002, Astrodon filters
Guiding: MMOAG with Loadstar camera
Focuser: FLI Atlas
TheSkyX, ACP Planner, ACP, ACP Scheduler, FMax, MaximDL, Photoshop CS4
Port Elizabeth, South Africa