Smallest Full Moon in 2014

Posted 2014.01.17

The smallest Full Moon for 2014 graced the sky on January 16, when our celestial neighbour, almost at apogee (406 500 km) spanned 29.32′ in diameter. The largest Full Moon for the year can be seen on August 10, when its diameter is 33.72′.

Smallest Full Moon for 2014: [fergcorp_cdt_single date=”Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:00:00 UTC”]


The January 2014 Full Moon, imaged from (left) Louis Trichardt by Kos Coronaios and (right) Cape Town by Carol Botha.

(left) Imaged from Deneysville by Stephanus du Toit, using a Canon ESO 350D and an 80-mm (1000-mm focal length) SkyWatcher Maksutov. (right) Imaged by Etienne Gouws from Stellenbosch.

Moonrise from Louis Trichardt, by Kos Coronaios.

Moonrise over suburban Cape Town, by Carol Botha.

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