ASSA Archive – Hermanus Centre

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Hermanus Centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa

History / Minutes / Constitution

History of the Hermanus Centre.

 Minutes of the meetings.
The documents are part of the Archive of A.S.S.A. The original documents of the digital copies available here are curated on behalf of A.S.S.A. by the Special Collections Archive of the University of Cape Town. The original documents can be viewed by appointment. The A.S.S.A. manuscripts are indexed as BC1506
The Minutes of the Hermanus Centre are bound in a series of books which were digitized. These books can be downloaded:
  HAC Minute Book 2008-12
  HC Minute Book 2012-15
  HC Minute Book 2015 – 20

Twenty First Century
2000; 2010


The National Society is governed by it’s constitution. The Centres of A.S.S.A. does not have their own constitutions as they fall under the Constitution of Council.

Current Status of the Hermanus Centre: