Merit Awards

A Merit Award is awarded to a member for performing a particularly meritorious service to the Society, above and beyond that individual’s regular duties and tasks on behalf of the Society. Any member may motivate to Council for this Award to be given to another Member. Council may at its discretion confer additional benefit to the Certificate recipient. The proposer will write the citation to go with the Certificate, which is to be presented at the recipient’s local Centre AGM or ASSA AGM. The recipient’s name will be published in MNASSA and on the ASSA website. The Certificate will be signed by the member proposing the Award and a Council Member or Appointee. The Award was formally establish in July 2014.

Recipients of the Merit Award

  1. Auke Slotegraaf (2014) “for his sterling contribution to the modernisation of the ASSA website, as well as establishing the new ASSA communication channels, whilst maintaining his normal high standard as Deep Sky Section Director.”