Activity areas: Double Stars, Variable Stars
Specialists & Collaborators: Berto Monard (Variable Stars), Chris Middleton (Variable Stars), Dr. Ian Glass (Variable Stars).
Observing Guides: Double Stars, Variable Stars
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Double stars
Visual double stars are among the easiest of all astronomical objects to observe. A well equipped observatory and large telescope is not required. There are thousands of visual double stars that are within the range of small telescopes. Double stars can also be observed easily from locations suffering from moderate light pollution. Find out more about the study of double stars or browse the Double Star News and Articles archives.
- QZ Carinae — 18 April 2022
Variable stars
Variable stars are stars that change brightness (most stars – including the Sun – vary in brightness if measured accurately). By studying their behaviour, much can be learnt about their physical properties such as size, mass, luminosity, temperature, structure, composition and evolution. This information can then be used to understand other stars. Find out more about monitoring variable stars or browse the Variable Star News and Articles archives.