Ask An Astronomer Archives

If you have an astronomical question you can’t find an answer for, get in touch and we’ll get our team of experts on the job.

Previous questions that have been asked include:

  • advice on buying a telescope, the SpaceProbe 130 EQ (by Quintin H.)
  • identification of possible meteorites (by Tom B.)
  • advice on using a telescope, the Celestron Nexstar SE6 (by Tammy L.)
  • advice on constructing a home observatory (by Pieter S.)
  • viewing comet ISON

In terms of Act 25 of 1999 ‘The National Heritage Resources Act (Act No. 25 of 1999, section 35(4)) states that: (a) No person may, without a permit issued by the responsible heritage resources authority: (b) destroy, damage, excavate, alter, deface or otherwise disturb any archaeological or palaeontological site or any meteorite; (c) destroy, damage, excavate, remove from its original position, collect or own any archaeological or palaeontological material or object or any meteorite; (d) trade in, sell for private gain, export or attempt to export from the Republic any category of archaeological or palaeontological material or object, or any meteorite; or (e) bring onto or use at an archaeological or palaeontological site any excavation equipment or any equipment which assist in the detection or recovery of metals or archaeological and palaeontological material or objects, or use such equipment for the recovery of meteorites. Anyone found guilty of an offence in terms of the Act is liable for a fine or imprisonment, or both. In cases where material is accidentally disturbed by mining, engineering or agricultural activities, the finds must be reported to a cultural institution such as a museum or university department, or the South African Heritage Resources Agency.’

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