Moon and planets conjunction challenge

Conjunction of Mars, Venus and the crescent Moon (20 Feb 2015)

This month’s challenge: there will be a nice tight grouping of the Moon, Venus and Mars on 20 February shortly after sunset. The three objects will just about fit within a six degree field of view, and are all quite bright, so this challenge is suitable for just about any level of equipment and skill.

However, timing will be critical. Too early and your image will drown in the bright twilight. Too late, and the moon will slip below the horizon. And speaking of the Moon, it will be a very, VERY thin crescent at roughly 4% illumination – so thin that most people would struggle to find it, if it wasn’t for bright Venus just a few degrees above it.

Mars and Venus will be about one degree apart, but will get even close than that – they’ll be less than half a degree apart on the 21st and 22nd of February. So if you miss your chance to capture the Mare/Venus/Moon grouping, you can still go for the Mars Venus conjunction.

Images may be submitted in the usual way – email them to along with a few words describing your equipment, settings, and any interesting notes you’d like to add.