AR 1967 is back

Active region 1967 is back and is now named AR 1990.

This is the third time this sunspot has crossed the visible face of the Sun. The first time was in early January and it was then named AR 1944 . Generally sunspots do not last more than two or three weeks, so two months is rather interesting. The returning sunspot unleashed a powerful X 4.9 class solar flare on the 25th February at 00:49 UTC. This has been the most intense flare of 2014 thus far as well as one of the most intense of the current solar cycle.

Solar disk 21 Feb 2014 Images by Kos Coronaios using a Canon EOS 60D at prime focus of a 10-inch Schmidt-Newtonian reflector and a Thousand Oaks solar filter. Exposure settings were ISO 100 and 1/100-th second.

Solar disk 24 Feb 2014 with 1.5 x Barlow Images by Kos Coronaios using a Canon EOS 60D at prime focus of a 10-inch Schmidt-Newtonian reflector, with a 1.5x Barlow lens in place and a Thousand Oaks solar filter. Exposure settings were ISO 800 and 1/100-th second.