ASSA Archive – Durban

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Durban Centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa

History / Minutes / Constitution

History of the Durban Centre.

The Durban Centre was preceded by the Natal Astronomical Association. There are references to this early Association but there is no archival material available. In 1922, after A.S.S.A. was created the Association joined ASSA and became the Natal Centre, not to be confused with the Natal Midlands Centre. The name of the Centre changed from Natal to Durban in ?

Minutes of Council    co_19221222

 Minutes of the meetings.

No information available


The National Society is governed by it’s constitution. The Centres of A.S.S.A. does not have their own constitutions as they fall under the Constitution of Council. The Natal Centre drafted a constitution in 1975. It is not clear why they did it as they are part of ASSA and as such fall under the National Constitution of the mother body. This constitution was never imposed.

Constitution of 23 July 1975: natal_constitution_1975
(Source: A.S.S.A. Archive; Box “Constitution”)